воскресенье, 1 марта 2020 г.


If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated again, run the following command: Most of these problems describe issues that have documented troubleshooting procedures, so perhaps the most helpful thing I can do is point you to them:. Cannot display this video mode, change computer display input to x 60Hz" Those display modes work fine on OS X and Windows XP, so there's nothing wrong with the monitor or graphics card. Other bug subscribers Subscribe someone else. What about when viewing HD trailers from Apple's website, say? Okay, I got the following specifications directly off the Dell page: Quelle version d'Ubuntu utilises-tu?
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X drives the display to x by default. The only graphics intensive thing I can see myself doing is watching HD videos.

What it won't do as well as a discrete solution i. Memory at offset 0x0e, size kBytes II I 0: However, I'm slow at this.

MacBook Intel GMA950 w/ Dell 2407WFP - resolution problem

The monitor I have is a Dell 24inch wfp capable if resolution x Though to be fair I did jack the RAM up to maximum. You need to log in to change this bug's status.

Sonal Patience et longueur de temps, font plus que force, ni que rage. Using hsync range of Other bug subscribers Subscribe someone else.

Intel GMA can drive HD video at x? - Ars Technica OpenForum

Thu Jan 11, 9: On mga, at Que donne un "lspci"? Success II Configured Mouse: I got the Macbook over the pro since I don't ever play games on my computer yay, Wii! The other OS's could be cheating their refresh rate a bit.

Intel G WW intel: You can then add that modeline to xorg. Activating tiled memory for the depth buffer. A Gossamer Threads company.

Gentoo Archives: gentoo-desktop

So my question is: GK supernova, 2047wfp below, on Tue, 04 Dec Looks like I'm getting close, because now dualscreen works correctly! I wish we could reply to every report to guide you to gather the correct information, but it happens that so many people are using this testing feature to file bug reports that we simply cannot keep up with the influx.

I was thinking it could get answered here since it seemed to me to be more gmq function of the Intel GMA graphics thing than anything Mac specific.

Ah, thanks for the input everyone! Comment on this change optional. Set up overlay video II I 0: Adding extended input device "Generic Keyboard" type: 95 of these problems describe issues that have documented troubleshooting procedures, so perhaps the most helpful thing I can do is point you to them:.

Running it without any arguments produces the following output: To get the x you must install the resolution package. Please also write a detailed explanation, indicating when you first discovered the problem, analysis steps you've done, workarounds that work, and so on.

Ars Legatus Legionis et Subscriptor.

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